Advanced services

Increase uptime and extend your assets life

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Advanced Services

Intelligent services to increase uptime, extend your assets life and prioritize your maintenance activities

With growing demand of electricity power supply availability is becoming fundamental for every business. Today digital solutions make possible a 24/7 monitoring able to avoid outages and extend asset life without affecting safety. 

Standard maintenance practices such as corrective or reactive maintenance remain costly as it occurs unexpectedly and affects production and availability.  

By evaluating information made available by digital assets, in conjunction with the existing plant monitoring and control systems, it is possible to adopt a predictive maintenance schedule to reduce the risk of failures and/or shutdowns and extend the lifetime of assets, lowering the overall operational costs. 

Electrification Service provides a range of advanced services that help you optimize the condition of assets, process reliability, equipment life and overall system performance.

Our expertise


Comprehensive portfolio: Offering covering from medium to low voltage applications suitable also for third party assets.

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Scalability and Flexibility: Easy to deploy on-premises and cloud-based solutions.

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Global presence: Extended network of service centers closest to you.

Key benefits

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Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO): Up to 40% saving on operational maintenance cost by increasing maintenance intervals without affecting safety and reliability.

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Maximize uptime: Up to 70% potential asset failure causes detected in the early stage.


Improve safety: Up to 60% reduction of preventive maintenance avoiding operators' presence next to the asset.

Services to meet your needs

Services in action


ABB Electrification Service
Our everyday heroes

What does the phrase 'everyday hero' mean to you? At ABB Electrification Service, we think it means someone who is continuously working to help our customers achieve maximized energy efficiency. It means someone who advocates for safe, sustainable energy. It means someone who is ready, day or night, to help keep the lights on.

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Service in action
Get the latest news

We have a global team of more than 3800 experts. Service in action is our archive of news and videos where you can see what the team is delivering around the world, including success stories, press releases, webinars, and videos from our customers describing the power of a partnership with ABB Electrification Service.

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